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Olympic gold medalist trained with Wii

Now, here I was thinking that this game was just a shameful representation for Olympic sports and here Kosuke Kitajima was using Mario and Sonic at the Olympics to mentally prepare himself for the competition in Beijing. Flabbergasting! Naturally, you can’t become a great swimmer only by playing some Wii; he ate and swam an assload and all that good stuff. When asked, he explained…

See, Mario does the breaststroke. And thus, it’s perfect mental training for envisioning the actual Olympic hall.

So there you have it. Some video games can help you score some gold medals. I’m just wondering if he was envisioning all the other competitors as Bowser and Waluigi.

[via 北島「Wii」で「金」予行演習]

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    Kevin, or Naitsu mostly contributes to the news section. He is most notable for his broad (and often strange) tastes and interests. For instance, he may be playing a game like Wario Ware: Smooth Moves as a morning game, and Gears of War as an afternoon game whilst listening to Justin Timberlake one minute, and Dying Fetus the next. He enjoys reading e-mails and talking to the community, so if you want to speak to him, he's all ears.

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